Nasarawa State University, Keffi LAWSAM-Assentio Mentium

The motto of the University is “Knowledge for development”. It is an indication of the resolve of the University to provide such knowledge that would lead to the social economic and technological development of the State and the country as a whole.

Law Dinner

Nasarawa State University, Keffi aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.

Dinner is a very essential component of the vocational training of law student at the Nigerian law school. Every student must therefore observe at least three dinning terms before he may be qualified for call to bar and subsequent enrollment at the supreme court. Two dining terms are however observed by every student at law school while the third dinner is held after call to bar of successful students. The third dinner is therefore conditional to passing the bar part two examinations. It must however be taken by every aspirant to the bar before enrolment at the supreme court.

The dinner is presided over by a member of the body of benchers. The entrance of the members of the body of benchers marks the commencement of the dinner. after their entrance, a member of the body appointed by the presiding bencher will say the opening prayers. After the prayer, dinner is served. The most usual course served is three course meals. However, there may be as many courses as circumstance permit. The three-course meal start with the soup and bread rolls. In an elaborate dinner, the soup may be chicken, goat or cow tail pepper soup or even fish pepper soup. After the soup, the main course is served. This may be fried rice or jollof rice, potatoes chips with fish or meat or pounded yam etc. the third course is the desert which may be sliced pineapple, water melon etc.

When the dinner is going on a member of the body of benchers is appointed by the presiding bencher to propose a loyal toast to the Federal Republic Of Nigeria. When the toast is proposed with or without a speech by the bencher, every body including the student shall stand up to acknowledge the toast. After the toast, after the toast, the next activity during the dinner is a post dinner speech to be given by a bencher. This speech usual centers on the legal profession and the maintenance of discipline at the Bar. After the post dinner speech, then comes the introduction of the benchers present by the Director – General or the Dupty Director- General in charge of the campus, as the case may be. during the dinner student are expected to speak in low tones without attracting the attention of the benchers.

The importance of the law dinner to the student is three-fold. First, the student are given the opportunity of coming into contact with some of the big names in the legal profession for tj first time. Secondly, the student through the introduction of the benchers are able to identify the benchers who may sponsor them for call to bar. The third one is that the post dinner speech given by a bencher during the dinner is usually in form of useful tips on what to expect as a member of the legal profession in Nigeria.